WIW: Final Try of BF (ETA update at bottom)

I'm heading off to the grocery store on a cold and windy fall day. I'm trying my darker wash, larger size BFs in one last attempt to see if I like this look. This follows my whiny post yesterday about my complicated relationship with my BF http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....g-me-think.

I had the thought thanks to Claire that maybe part of my angst over this look was the incredibly leg shortening aspect on an already short me. So today I'm wearing the jeans only cuffed once so that they are pretty much full length but still have the cuffed look. I've paired them with the red Sam Edelman booties I got yesterday (Angie - I LOVE these booties!) and a fitted Gap striped long sleeve tee. I've kept the belt dark as I also think comments in previous posts about a light coloured belt not working were valid.

The crotch point on the jeans are a good three inches below my anatomical crotch and are sitting approximately 6 inches lower than my waist (I have a very high waist). I actually kind of like the BF jeans as full length as opposed to cuffed.

What do you think? Please be honest. Does this work?

This post is also published in the youlookfab forum. You can read and reply to it in either place. All replies will appear in both places.


  • Suz replied 11 years ago

    What a great Saturday outfit, Shannon! I love you in the stripes (sexy jailbird, anyone?) and those booties are SO envy-inducing. Also love the bag.

    To my eye, this works.

    But I have liked you in the others, too.

    So I think it is really, in the end, up to you. This BF makes you work SO hard to feel comfortable and "yourself." Is it worth it? I'm not sure. Only you can say if the good times make up for the irritations.

  • replied 11 years ago

    I think the "issue" with your BFs is not the way you look, it's the way you feel on them.

  • Jonesy replied 11 years ago

    I agree with Zap :). It seems like on your previous BF threads almost everyone says they love them on you, so it's not a matter of YLFers liking them or not, it's about how you feel. If you feel better in the longer length, then that's fab, but if you're still feeling meh, then maybe they are not for you!

  • Suz replied 11 years ago

    Yup. It is similar to Una's dress post the other day.

    She LOOKED great in that dress.

    But felt unlike herself.

    It's one thing to stretch our style boundaries and try new things. It's another thing to make ourselves miserable!

    Here's an analogy for you. If I were to wear, let's say: a short snug pencil skirt, high heeled stiletto pumps, and a ruffled shirt tucked in.

    How would I look, objectively? Well, let's see. The ruffled shirt would disguise my lack of a bust. Figure flattery score. The tucked waist would emphasize my relatively small waist - score again. The bum hugging skirt would show off that asset and makes my hips look a bit curvier. The high heels would make my short legs look much longer.

    In other words, this outfit would be 100% figure flattering on me.

    And I would feel HORRIBLE in it. Completely uncomfortable and yukky.

    So it isn't always about how we actually look.

    Well, you might say, that's a choice to forego a particular kind of figure flattery, hopefully in favour of some other kind of figure flattery. In your case you are worried this is NOT a figure flattering look AND it doesn't feel like you.

    For me the equivalent might be a tunic-with-leggings look. It shortens my already short leg line and makes me feel like an elf or something. I try it, and try it, but it just doesn't feel right to me no matter what other people say. I'm planning to try it yet AGAIN this fall with slightly different proportions, but honestly - it is WORK to make it work, know what I mean?

  • replied 11 years ago

    I agree with all the other posters. It is how they make you feel when you wear them.

  • replied 11 years ago

    Zap and Jonesy nailed it - you look awesome in ALL your BF outfits and we all tell you so. But if you aren't feeling what we're seeing ...

  • Mo replied 11 years ago

    Wise ladies here! I also got thumbs up on my Cameron BF jeans, but returned them because they 'felt' like droopy drawers on my rear.

  • sarah replied 11 years ago

    Yep, Shannon - even if we like your BF, he's got to win your heart. YOU'RE the one going out with him, not us.

  • Gaylene replied 11 years ago

    Well, I'm going to be the lone voice here and say that I liked your white shirt/black Doc's styling better than this one. But, ultimately, I agree that with the rest that it is how YOU feel that is important. What we like, and dislike, is often more a reflection of our own personal style preferences than a truly objective assessment. The question is really how do you feel in this outfit?

  • Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago

    Thanks all for the feedback - AGAIN! (lol) I hope I'm not driving you all crazy.

    Gaylene - I appreciate your honesty and I did like the white shirt with the BF's and Docs yesterday but I need to be able to wear the jeans in a few different ways.

    So here's two updates for you now that I've returned from grocery shopping:

    1. The red booties are ridiculously comfortable - I have been on my feet two hours without socks and I could go another another two. These are now my GO TO boots.

    2. I felt really, really good in this outfit. I felt more like me so I can see this pair of BFs working for me. The longer length really did make me feel more comfortable.

  • Scarlet replied 11 years ago

    This is my honest feeling--when I see just your BF outfits I genuinely think they look great. But, when I saw your bootcuts on the other thread _you_ just looked so great. If you have fun with the BF look, go for it. But the other jeans are definitely the long-term relationship in my eyes. They really look cute, fun, sexy on you.

  • MNsara replied 11 years ago

    You look great in this outfit and it's nice to know you have at least two ways to wear these BFs - this one and the Gaylene preferred one.

    Did you try this EXACT same outfit but with the bootcut jeans? Do you feel infinitely better? If so, then move on and don't look back. If you still feel pretty darn good in these BF jeans in this outfit, then they'll have earned the right to stick around - for weekend flings ;-)

  • MsMary replied 11 years ago

    I'm glad you felt good in this outfit! I think you look great!

  • catgirl replied 11 years ago

    You know what I think - I love them on you - and everyone else has given great advice about how you feel. My question is why you feel so strongly that these need to work for you if you don't love them easily. Asking because I have the same types of issues with other items and have thought it was a good thing finally to have learned to just give up sometimes.

  • Kirti replied 11 years ago

    I really think the bfs suit you and glad you are getting used to them :)

  • Meredith1953 replied 11 years ago

    I love the BF's on you and totally agree with other posters that the main thing is for you to feel like you love and own the look. I wear my BF's on the weekends because slouchy baggy jeans are just more comfortable. I don't wear mine for total figure flattery because I think bootcuts probably look better on me but I do like the BF's for fun....sometimes girls just wanna have fun!

  • Marley replied 11 years ago

    LOVE this outfit - and those boots - I die! I missed the threads about the boots - what are they, where did you get them, etc. etc.????

    As far as the jeans go - you already know how I feel about them - I like them a lot better than the bootcuts - although I'm still wondering what the BFS look like from the side and the back? Have you already posted pics and I just missed them?

    Shannon - you know how single women who are not committed to one specific man, play the field a bit? They have one BF to go the opera with, another to go to a football game, one to cuddle up with on a Sunday morning and read the paper, one to go for a walk at the beach, one to play tennis with, one to call in the middle of the night when their dog is sick, etc. etc. ?????? Well, you get my drift? I think all of your BFs and Boot-cuts can play a role in your life.

    One last question - do you feel as though you've got those BFs hanging on for dear life off of your hips? I still think that is the key! Once I put some makeup on, I'm going to put mine on, take a pic, and measure the crotch sag and see how many inches I've got goin' on down there. I'll let you know! :-)

  • geargirl replied 11 years ago

    Hi Shannon,
    First, thank you for posting such great photos! I really loved your comparison of the bootcuts vs. the boyfriends from your previous post. While the commenters above are RIGHT ON (aren't they always!), I do have one thing to add:
    Angie's post here (http://youlookfab.com/2012/05/.....ing-rules/)
    really changed my outlook on dressing for figure flattery. I always felt like I HAD to dress in the most flattering way. I OWED it to the WORLD to minimize my hips, emphasize my bust, etc. So BF's for me were out of the question! (Short, short legs...)
    Then I decided that I really can have fun, and not worry so much about lengthening my legs. I tried my BFs and love them! Yup, my legs look short! Yup, the bootcuts are more flattering, and just as comfy. But BFs are FUN, cute, and well, FUN!
    I think your bootcuts are more flattering. True. But I love your outfit. The BFs, red boots, and striped shirt look cool, cute, fun and fashionable! (Like I think YOU are!)
    So if you feel uncomfortable and not like yourself, chuck the BFs. But to paraphrase Angie, you don't always have to make figure flattery a top priority. Break the (fashion) rules-that's what the cool girls are doing...and you sure look cool in the above photos!

  • Lyn D. replied 11 years ago

    I agree with the above Shannon! If you ever decide not to wear 'out' again why not just keep them for at home? Comfortable and roomy is perfect for a cold rainy afternoon in front of the fire- and a step up from P.J.s , especially if someone comes to visit.

  • Caro in Oz replied 11 years ago

    I think you look very chic in this outfit, but I agree with everyone who says the primary thing is how you feel in the clothes.

  • Sona replied 11 years ago

    TS: I am not fond of any of the BF's on you. Maybe like you I have poison eye towards them. It looks like most members really do like them on you but the question is really what you 'feel' in them.

  • Echo replied 11 years ago

    I have to agree that this all comes down to how you feel, beause that affects what YOU see in the mirror. It doesn't matter objectively how many people here love the look on you; if you don't love the look on you, then it will never work.

    And I also have to agree with Una. If these aren't love at first sight (or second, or third...), why the determination to keep on trying? There are a number of things I'd love to wear, but time and again, I've tried them on and I can't make them "me". I applaud breaking out of a style rut and trying new things, but not everything works for everybody, and that's okay (although I still love these jeans on you).

  • moira replied 11 years ago

    We have a similar shape. I will eventually try to post picture, but am not so good with the camera uploads.
    I think either the shirt or the jeans could work, but not together. They are both chopping you off and you (I) need some element to elongate our body.
    Try each with something else and I think you might be happier with the result.
    You are cute as a button.

  • JR replied 11 years ago

    Hi Shannon, I've been AWOL for a while and haven't seen all the outfits. But thinking back to the older ones (like more than a week ago), you know what? I like this iteration better too. I like the longer length on you. And I love striped Ts, and I love those red booties. All in all, I like the way this has come together better than most of your other BF outfits, not that I had any objection to them. This is just better to my eye. And it seems to make you much more comfortable too.

  • Jaime replied 11 years ago

    Hmm, I love all the parts of this outfit, but I have to admit I do want to roll your bfs up some more! Whatever! Agree the main point is how you feel in them, because, truly you look fantastic and are dressing with major flair and you don't need a bf to look chic and current or fabulous.

  • jen replied 11 years ago

    Shannon I think you look really fab in your fitted jeans. I have a poison eye to bf jeans, I think they only look good on tall, young, skinny gals that can still wear high pointed toe heels. x

  • Angie replied 11 years ago

    Shannon, it's okay not to love your BF jeans! YOU have to wear them and not us. We all make fashion mistakes - fashion stylists and style pros too. We learn from them and move onto the next thing that makes us feel fab :)

  • catgirl replied 11 years ago

    Shannon, I've been thinking lately that my style is now defined a much by what I don't wear as what I do (the recent red dress experience) - and that's okay. Not everything needs to be a Shannon look or an Una look, especially if we don't love it on us.

  • rae replied 11 years ago

    Well, I like this look best of all the BF looks. If this still doesn't make you feel fab, then maybe it's not meant to be.

    GREAT news about the booties, though!

  • Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago

    I really, really appreciate EVERY SINGLE COMMENT here - your wisdom and insights always help me figure things out.

    Why am I so determined to make these work you ask? Because I am one STUBBORN gal! I don't like to waste money nor energy so have been determined to make them work because I can't return them at this late date and I really wanted to figure it out.

    Interestingly enough, my hubby LOVED this outfit that I wore and it was by far, my favourite of my BF attempts. I think I'll wear them like this for fall/winter with boots but that's it.

    I definitely prefer for my body type and style straight leg, boot cuts and baby flare jeans. I think those help to balance out my mid section and make me feel taller and leaner.

    Movin' on...

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