WIW: To get new tires on my car

Hmmmm....what does a YLFer wear to her mechanic's to get new tires put on her car? And then when I get home, DS and I are moving some furniture since he's moving his bedroom downstairs.

Well this YLFer started with her recently thrifted denim shorts which are slouchy and low rise. Therefore, I'm calling them my BF shorts. Then I semi-tucked a Tabi Kelly green with pink trim polo, popped on my snakeskin belt to keep my shorts up, and finished up with my floral lace-up flats. I feel comfortable and casual, ready for action, and appropriate for the occasion.

Polo: Tabi (thrifted)
Denim shorts: Paris Blues for Bluenotes (thrifted)
Snakeskin Belt: Olsen Europe (thrifted)
Shoes: Blowfish


WIW: Holiday Casual

It is hot, hot, hot here today. I just finished working in my garden for two hours where I think I burned off 3000 calories just in perspiration alone (sorry...probably TMI there). Had a cold shower and am now about to sit on the patio (in the shade) with an iced coffee. Thought I'd give you a glimpse of how I dress when I'm on vacation - no makeup, no gel in my hair, no shoes...

Tank: Reitmans (thrifted)
Shorts: Jones New York (thrifted)